Monday 20 December 2010

PAN 98

Provisional Astroshamanic Newsblog

Ezine of the Sacred Cone Circle, 21 December 2010, Issue 98

© 2010 Franco Santoro, PAN (Provisional Astroshamanic Newsblog). All rights reserved. You are most welcome to use short extracts from PAN provided you give mention in the credits. Feel completely free to quote, yet please drop us a line to inform us about it. If you wish to reproduce a more substantial amount from PAN, including images, or use this material for commercial purposes, please contact us at

The Eclipsed Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice takes place this year at 23:40 GMT on 21 December 2010, and it will coincide with a total lunar eclipse of the full Moon visible through most of the globe. In Europe the full Moon will set eclipsed just as the Sun rises. This is a major astrological event abundant with exceptional energetic and symbolic meaning.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are exactly aligned with the Earth being in the middle. During the lunar eclipse the surface of the Moon can appear red due to the fact the sunlight it receives is refracted through the Earth. For a video on December Solstice 2010 Lunar Eclipse see:

Most ancient cultures and traditions identify the lunar eclipse with calamities and apocalyptic events. "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come." Joel 2:31. This combined with the Winter Solstice creates a climax of darkness.

This is indeed the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, yet it is also the most abundant with hope for it heralds the inevitable return of light. The Winter Solstice intensifies the trust in the luminosity in each one of us, including the world and the universe at large.

The Winter Solstice is the doorway into winter and the peak of obscurity. This can be a time of slowing down, when we have the opportunity to withdraw in the inner world, embracing the highest dreams and aspirations.

During this season we can easily come to a deeper understanding of life, giving up outworn patterns, becoming receptive to wide visions, setting honourable intentions in preparation for upcoming luminous enterprises.

Winter is also a major time of healing connection between the visible and the unseen, body and spirit. The power of this season involves including all aspects of life and death, reaching a climax in our perspective and awareness.

It is a time when we can rise above the limitations of our narrow perception, releasing our soul from her rusty chains, letting her unleash her wings and soar to her original abode of love, freedom and unity.

This holiday season can be the golden opportunity for definitely ceasing to delay ourselves and accepting a resolute nativity of our true uncontaminated nature.

According to Tibetan Buddhism the effects of actions are multiplied by a factor of 1,000 during a lunar eclipse. Whatever the case this Winter Solstice can be yet another golden opportunity for embracing our true essence and joining the web of life.

Let’s open our heart and mind to the beauty and bliss that resides beyond the grim veils of the separated world, creating a glorious Winter Solstice, Lunar Eclipse and Christmas bridge of reunification of our fragmented self.

If you wish to take part in a group Winter Solstice Ritual see article below.

For recommended movies about the Winter Solstice and Christmas see: and for books on the season of winter see:

Blessings blessings blessings, Franco

Image: Winter Solstice Buddha by Cherie Glas


Please be aware that PAN is sent in a most reduced format and at random times. This is because it has mainly be replaced by our pages on Facebook. Please refer to them if you wish to be updated about our work and the astroshamanic network.

The links are the following:

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Page on Franco Santoro:

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Page on Astroshamanic Trance Dance:

Page on Cluny Garden:

Page on Astroshamanic Arts:

Page on Astroshamanic Group:

Invitation to Join the Findhorn Foundation Training in Astroshamanism (26 February – 13 March 2011)


Winter Solstice Ritual

During the time from 19 to 22 December in the astroshamanic network we are going to hold various rituals and celebrations, including skype audio-conferences. Please find below a sample of a group meditation that we may use during our distant practices.

If you resonate with it, please join us at any time during the next days, especially on 19 December 2010, from 4 to 6 pm GMT, and on 22 December 2010 at the same time.

If what follows is too complex, please feel free to use an alternative practice.

1) Focus on your breath and connect with the space around you, the emptiness surfacing the edges of your body. Sense the whole environment and its void and fullness, allowing the void and fullness of your environment to join other environments, encompassing those of all the participants in this session.

2) Allow conscious links to be established between your environment and all other environments, shifting gradually from a separated perception to an awareness of the unity of all apparently separated forms. Allow yourself and your physical body to be firmly and consciously part of this unity and web of life, while also honouring and encompassing your separated perception.

3) Place your awareness on both your right and left hand, as you keep being aware of your breath and the environment that surrounds you. Connect with your Intention and Function, while you allow the awareness of your hands and environment to progressively expand through your wrists, elbows, entire arms, armpits, breasts, finally reaching a centre point in your chest. This can have the shape of a cone, and is strategically named herewith Sacred Cone. You can call it also differently in accordance with what makes sense for you.

4) Allow this Sacred Cone to draw the outer environment and let it join with your inner environment and world, consciously and firmly inviting your Spirit Guide to operate the Sacred Cone between outer and inner. We are going to spend three to five minutes in this space, bridging outer and inner, allowing the Spirit Guide to firmly settle.

5) Consider a situation or situations of your life related with your Intent, and allow this to be held through the awareness of your right hand.

6) Allow your Intent to move from the individual to the collective, encompassing other beings of the present, future and past, of this and other dimensions, holding the same Intent.

7) Let your individual and collective Intent to connect with all other possible Intents, no matter how different they are, allowing each one of them to be part of the same web of life.

8) Direct the awareness of your right hand and the related Intention to move gradually through your arms reaching the point at the centre of your chest, the Sacred Cone and bridging the outer into the inner. Take some time to allow the Spirit Guide to operate.

9) Consider a situation or situations of your life related with grievances, and allow this to be held through the awareness of your left hand.

10) Allow these grievances to move from the individual to the collective, encompassing other beings of the present, future and past, of this and other dimensions, holding the same grievances.

11) Allow these individual and collective grievances to connect with all types of grievances, no matter how different they are, allowing each one of them to be part of the same web of life.

12) Direct the awareness of your left hand and the related grievances to move gradually through your arms reaching the point at the centre of your chest, the Sacred Cone and bridging the outer into the inner. Take some time to allow the Spirit Guide to operate.

13) Focus only on the centre point, the Sacred Cone, allowing your environment to be totally absorbed by it.

14) Be aware of your lower body (belly, genitals, legs, feet), including whatever is below till the roots of the lower world, and connect it with the Sacred Cone.

15) Be aware of your upper body (throat, head), including whatever is above up to the peak of the higher world to connect with the Sacred Cone.

16) Allow lower and higher to be absorbed by the Sacred Cone, so that in the end only the Sacred Cone is there. Receive an unconditional blessing from the Sacred Cone.

17) Allow the outer to gradually emanate from the Sacred Cone and take the shape of your updated and renewed physical body and outer environment. Come back to ordinary awareness allowing the above process to continue on a subtle level.

18) Acknowledge how you feel and what you experienced. Take notes about anything relevant for you. If you wish, share this with me, and/or the group, via e-mail.

The above process can last approximately one hour.

Image: Caroline Cable, Winter Solstice

Astroshamanic Shop:

We have created a series of links containing book, music and movies in DVDs recommendations on astroshamanic and related topics. Please see:,

You can also order items online directly from this link via Amazon and contribute to support our work through the small percentage we derive from sales.

You can find direct links to movies and DVDs in accordance with zodiac signs at:

For movies about the winter solstice and Christmas see: and for books on the season of winter see:

For other topics browse by categories in the following page:

Astroshamanic Individual Healing Sessions - How do they work and how to arrange them: see:!/note.php?note_id=153943268328&id=44471338710

The Astroshamanic Mentoring Service: see:

Our books: see: and

Our CD: see: and for other CDs and products see:

Our Astrohamanic Research Fund open to contributions:

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